One thing I will never get use to is wild turkey wandering around. We see them when we travel any road, going any where. I have not gone to many places yet, but do plan on it soon. I want to see San Francisco as soon as I can. Our daughter has had a hard time with her soon to be ex- husband. He has put her through a very bad brake up. When she cries it makes her mom sad, very angry and want a piece of him. I guess karma will take care of things, fingers crossed. I don't hate people, but I do hate what they can do to others. Seeing and reading things are painful, I thought he loved her. To find out he was not only fooling her, but us too. We were with them a week earlier and all was great, he was making plans of places he wanted to show us! I guess I was made a fool of to. I will have my radar up now. In the end it was as bad as it gets, he threw her out and she is home with us. We love her tons, I just hope it's the last time I have to see how bad and sick a man can be, ick. Well we all will be fine and she is getting stronger. We are a small family, but a trusting one. He is one turkey who should stay out of the road!!!!!