First things first, a new floor for the kitchen. The floor had floor rot so it had to be ripped up and the sub floor replaced, then new tiles. I choose the light gray to bring more light in. The last two houses we put black and white in the kitchen, I am ready for a change. The kitchen looked better, but not my style, we have lots of work to do! A new refrigerator helps and the bulldog Martha loves the new floor. We have met some nice people here and they all seem to be interested in our progress. We got the mobile home for a great price, it had taken years of abuse. This made it possible to pay it off and start all the repairs. I would never be happy with someone else's work, so it only made sense to remodel. It was sound, everything worked and that was a plus. It is the best for us here, not what we are use to, but it works and we are happy. We started with a very nice home in Reno, the yard was so pretty, we would have stayed there and lived out many years. I was very ill and needed help, but family problems were too stressful making my exacerbations flare. The depression was out of control hitting a dangerous high. After breaking all the pictures of myself in the house, I was found curled up in a corner of my bedroom. Being medicated was not the answer only making me feel more alone. I missed my family so much, coming from a large one. I wish we could have stayed in our lovely home, but I needed a change of places. Howard had not spent time with his family in Idaho, so off we went. It took me years to get over the loss and I still feel the sadness at times. Living most of our lives in Nevada made it hard to leave to. In many ways it made me afraid to try new things. I am growing everyday! It is exciting to explore more and just a little fearful. Well, back to the work we have done to our new home...........