Friday, May 29, 2015

Bye Dear Micheal

My brother-in-law Micheal was buried today. More like a brother, I have known him sense I was 15. A very sad day and the end of a part of my life. I wish I could have been around to see him in the last few years, but it couldn't be helped. I loved Mike and he will be missed. Fly high Micheal. xxxxx

Monday, May 25, 2015

My Little Family

Some of my favorite guys. Grandpa always looks at them with great pride, he loves just being with them. I am so pleased they have grown into caring, giving and loving young men. In spite of some bad role models they are turning into wonderful men. My other two grandchildren are the same, I couldn't ask for more. They are talented too, I am a lucky grandma! Now that we can, we will be spending more time visiting. I am looking forward to the holidays this year. We are a small family, but I can trust them all with my heart.   

Saturday, May 23, 2015

A visit with grandsons

Two of my grandsons came for a visit, it makes me cry. Not for any reason except I love and miss them so. They played a game of golf with old grandpa, let me hug them and made my daughter smile. Nate and Nick (Nick Dee's son) have always had my heart. Nate is my son's and he reminds me of his dad. I miss him more than I can say. He has been mad at me for many years, but it never changes my love for him. We had a great visit, I wish we lived closer. A drop by from time to time would be the best, I will just take what I can get. I love you guys and miss my other two grandchildren, grandma loves you. 

Lemon Tree

When we moved to California I wanted a lemon tree, so first thing I bought one. I love it and it is growing bigger every time I look at it. My tree has about 5 lemons on it, one a good size. I am looking forward to picking my first pretty yellow lemon. Yellow is so cheerful to me and full of hope. We will get around to putting the rocks down as soon as we can. I have too many health problems to get out of the way first. The very last thing I will do is paint my front door red. A red door is for a welcome to my home. I have so many things to do on my bucket list. I will have to get that written out. I wish I were closer to my family, but they can come visit any time.  

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Karma can be a bitch!

It;s hard to deal with all the things that are going on in our lives. With both Dee and I going through cancer scares and more medical things ahead, we are dealing with so much stress. We will be fine and are looking forward to great things to come. I have to say I am worried about the new knee, it will be so much pain  and work to get back on my feet. I have three doctors to see for pre-op. I have real good doctors so I have faith in them. I worry about Dee though, she has so much to catch up on. She should have had most of it done, but she didn't get to doctors until now. She can;t get things done for lack of money. I wish I could help her more. She was married to one of those guys that thought he made the money, so he came first. She needs cloths, a car and get back to school. He took so much from her and left her so broken. I am to blame for so much, I looked the other way thinking it would have made things worse. He had a big head and no skills. We all lied to cover for his weakness's. I will never do that again, it just made fools of us all. We had a break in and some things were taken. I don't want to put the blame any where I can't prove, but we will find out and it will be taken care of. Karma is sometimes an evil bitch!!!! I am trying to keep up with positive thinking and meditation. I want to think their are better people out there and all will work out. Time will tell!   

New Yellow Paint

The old color, blue, green, gray. It depends on which side your looking at. The years and the sun have taken a tole on the color. It needed a new color and yellow with white trim is just right. 

 The front and the shed will come first. The shade will tell us what side to work on. The white trim looks great. New front and all that white will look so clean, I love it.

 All the yellow is done on the front, it looks so nice. The yard will have to wait until the painting is done. Rock and more plants will finish off the perfect look. We will be putting up a fence and the old garden gate. The entrance will be great, can't wait to get it all done. We still have more to do in the house, So much work!!!!!

 It doesn't look like what we moved into. The weeds and different entrance, no walk way. So much work! I can't wait for the end and some fun in California.