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Almost 64 and ready to get moving! I have more healing to do and more walking to practice, but it is coming together. I still have shots every other night to give myself for my MS, I hate them. The shots burn, welt up, get red hot and hurt huge, I do it because it helps my bad blood cells have something else to attack other than me. Copaxone is given in the belly, hips, legs and the hardest under the arm. The shots cost thousands of dollars a month, I get them free because I am a test subject, I have to report symptoms every month. I go to all the MS events I can, I do procrastinate and get out of them when I can. I guess I get tired of the same old subjects they seem to talk about. I am always hoping for a cure or a new way to handle the problem. I have good days and bad days. I push myself to hard no matter what kind of a day I am having. Work is how I deal with pain, it makes me escape it. Don;t get me wrong I love to work I am very OCD about my house and yard. Taking the time off to get my knee done has been very hard. My daughter is doing most of the house and my husband is doing what he can to help, but when you are a nut like me it has to be my way, this is hard on everyone. I am so lucky to have the help, they are so good to me. I am doing OK. It can be a bit much at times, but I am dealing with all of the issues and will do it. I can do anything is what I say to myself every day.
This has been one of the hardest recoveries. Having a new knee was needed, but I wish I had put it off for a few months. My daughter and I have plans for some fun things, I need to be healed a bit more. Walking will be hard, I just need a little more practice walking, it sounds so easy and yet so hard to do.The doctor is happy with my progress, I am a shinning example, most of it was hard and I made it look like it was easy. I have a problem letting anyone think I fail at anything. I am still on pain medicine and the nerves are causing me trouble, I hope it will be better soon. I have had a big flare with my MS, it has the nerves and mussels all mixed up. The spasms are hard to deal with at night. I just have to take the pain pills every four hours, I am not so happy about that. Just have to do what I am told for awhile, not easy for me. The scare looks good and better all the time.

I am trying to keep it all together for the next few months. Not so easy! So, much to deal with. Still can't sit long. The doctor who took my tailbone out, didn't! I will be getting to a spine surgeon later, until then I will sit onn my water bottle. My eyes will be cleared of the caterracks after my knee is healed. I am looking forward to seeing again! Awesome!! My headaches are not giving me much sleep, another problem for down the road. They found two large flairs in my brain, I am on a strong dose of Copaxone. A shot every other night. Ouch!!! I am dealing. OK, I was until I fell in the kitchen and slammed my arm into the cabinet. So, the last few weeks have been a nightmare. I jammed my shoulder. I have been hiding it from my doctors, they will stop the new knee if I am not in great shape. It is better and I have a little over a week to get better. I will be in the hospital for 3 to 5 days. Then they will be coming home with me. It is all to get me back on my feet. 4 months and if all is well I will be going to England!!!! I have walkers, wheel chair and off To a wedding. I am thrilled to see my friends and family, some for the first time. With meds and pain pills I will be fine, I will sound off at the airport, I need to get my papers in order. I have had a hard summer so far and want it to get better, I guess next year will have to work! I have tried to not let other people make it hard on me. I am so lucky to have a husband and daughter to help me, I love them tons. I guess people who don't understand and don't back you, will fall away. I need to look to the further and stop looking at the past.I have been thrown away by the best, Maybe I will get into that on a later blogg. Until then stay happy!!
My brother-in-law Micheal was buried today. More like a brother, I have known him sense I was 15. A very sad day and the end of a part of my life. I wish I could have been around to see him in the last few years, but it couldn't be helped. I loved Mike and he will be missed. Fly high Micheal. xxxxx
Some of my favorite guys. Grandpa always looks at them with great pride, he loves just being with them. I am so pleased they have grown into caring, giving and loving young men. In spite of some bad role models they are turning into wonderful men. My other two grandchildren are the same, I couldn't ask for more. They are talented too, I am a lucky grandma! Now that we can, we will be spending more time visiting. I am looking forward to the holidays this year. We are a small family, but I can trust them all with my heart.
Two of my grandsons came for a visit, it makes me cry. Not for any reason except I love and miss them so. They played a game of golf with old grandpa, let me hug them and made my daughter smile. Nate and Nick (Nick Dee's son) have always had my heart. Nate is my son's and he reminds me of his dad. I miss him more than I can say. He has been mad at me for many years, but it never changes my love for him. We had a great visit, I wish we lived closer. A drop by from time to time would be the best, I will just take what I can get. I love you guys and miss my other two grandchildren, grandma loves you.
When we moved to California I wanted a lemon tree, so first thing I bought one. I love it and it is growing bigger every time I look at it. My tree has about 5 lemons on it, one a good size. I am looking forward to picking my first pretty yellow lemon. Yellow is so cheerful to me and full of hope. We will get around to putting the rocks down as soon as we can. I have too many health problems to get out of the way first. The very last thing I will do is paint my front door red. A red door is for a welcome to my home. I have so many things to do on my bucket list. I will have to get that written out. I wish I were closer to my family, but they can come visit any time.